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Muhammad, Son of a Bitch ?


A tradition ascribed to Aisha, the baby wife of Mohammad, may tell the truth about that.


The Arabs were nomadic peoples; they never annotated their newborns in registers. Everything is doubtful. For the Prophet of Islam, there is a reasonable doubt about his parents, both the father and the mother.

Unlike Jesus Christ in the Gospel, the Koran does not say anything about the genealogy of the Prophet of Islam.

The Muslim biographers of the Prophet claim that Muhammad was the son of a certain Abd-Allah, who would be, in his turn, the son of a man called Abd-el-Muttalib.

As regard to the alleged grandfather of the Prophet:

Linguistically, the name Abd al-Muttalib makes no sense. This name never appeared in Islamic history until the late third century of the Hegira, when they were forged most of the legends about Muhammad. But it only appeared in the later eras and modern times. This would indicate a fancy name given to an imaginary person, invented not to say that Muhammad was a foundling. The conclusion is quite reasonable.

The Muslim traditionalist tried to give meaning to the name 'Abd al-Muttalib; their attempts are clumsy, unacceptable.


We see the Father.

The name "Abd-Allah" in its present sense, the servant of Allah, never existed among the Arabs. There were Abd-al-LAT, Abd-el-Uzza and Abd-Manat, the three major pagan Gods of Mecca. There was also the pagan god LAH, represented by the moon, was the father of LAT, Uzza and Manat.

The Islamic Allah may be a distortion of al-LAH?

Mostly, following the old Arabic names, there was Abd-Shams (Sun worshiper) Abd-Manaf .. etc., in relation to specific deities worshiped. Names that were later transformed into Abd-Allah, Abd-el-WAHID, Abd-el-Jabbar .. etc., in relation to the 99 names given by the Muslims to Allah. By the way, Muslims do not agree even on these 99 names of Allah.


Despite Islamic stories built around Muhammad, not much is said, in the traditionalist Islamic heritage, of this elusive Abd-Allah. May be, it is a character forged in order to give a father to the Prophet.

The Orientalists could be right, if they assume that Muhammad was the son of an unknown father. There are many evidences in this regard.

We follow the Islamic stories.


The Biographers of the Prophet say that the alleged Abd-Allah lived with AMNA, the alleged mother of the prophet, for only three months.

(Al-Kalbi, referring to many narrators) AMNA, the daughter of Wahb was with her uncle Wahib, when Abd-el-Muttalib and his son Abd-Allah came in a visit. During one meeting, the marriage of Abd-Allah with AMNA, and Abd al-Muttalib with AMNA's cousin, HALA daughter of Wahib were held. Later, HALA bore HAMZA, who became Muhammad's uncle and brother of milk (author's note: Islamically means that were fed by the same woman!). Abd-Allah stayed with his wife for three months. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 76).

Then, the alleged father Abd-Allah died.

(Ibn-Saad) Abd-Allah died during pregnancy of Muhammad. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 80)


About HAMZA, we read:

"It is said that Hamza was born four years before the birth of the Prophet." (Ibn-Hajar, The Companions of the Prophet) - (HAKIM, "Integral the two collections of authentic Hadiths)

(Mohamed, son of the Caliph Omar II) ... Hamza was killed, he was four years older than Muhammad. (The Major Classes, vol. 3, p. 6).


We have the above chronologically:

1- The alleged mother of Mohammed, AMNA, and mother of Hamza, HALA were married on the same day respectively with Abd-Allah and Abd al-Muttalib.

2- The alleged father of Mohammed, Abd-Allah stayed with his wife for three months only, and then he died.

3- Then Hamza was born.

4 - Four years after the birth of Hamza, Muhammad was born.


If his alleged father had died four years earlier, who is the real father of Muhammad?


From other sources we get the same information without having to do the accounts.

(Al-Kalbi, from the narratives of his grandfather) Abd al-Muttalib married HALA, the mother of Hamza, which was born four years or so before the birth of the "Messenger of Allah" (Bladhuri, "Genealogy of Notables", vol. 1, p. 87)

(Bladhuri) It is said that Abd-el-Muttalib died when Hamza was about 12 years. WAQIDI said that the "Messenger of Allah", son of eight years at that moment, was crying. (Ansab al-Ashraf, namely "Genealogy of Notables", vol. 1, p. 92)

(WAQIDI) At first, Muhammad was suckled from certain Thuwaiba. She had suckled and nursed Hamza before. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 87).


There is a clear age difference between Muhammad and Hamza.

So Abd-Allah cannot be the alleged father of Muhammad.


Now we talk about the mother of Muhammad.

Muslims claim that the mother of Muhammad was AMNA.

(Al-Kalbi, with reference to many narrators) Abd-Allah married AMNA daughter of Wahb. He lived with her for three months. (Classes Further, vol. 1, p. 76).

(AMNA daughter of Wahb) My pregnancy of Muhammad was the lightest, and blessed. (Biography of Muhammad, by Halabi)

This tradition is frequent, and repeated in many Islamic sources. It means that the lady in question became pregnant again and again, so she was able to compare this with any other pregnancy. The books of Biography of the Prophet overlook the fact that other men had sex with the same lady, the alleged mother of the Prophet.

There came the same tradition in other forms.

(IS'HAQ) The Prophet's mother said I was pregnant with many children, but the fetus of the Prophet was the heaviest of all. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 79).


(WAQIDI) Muhammad was suckled from Thuwaiba at first feeds. Then came the nurse Halima. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 87).


(WAQIDI) Halima brought him with her; he stayed with her in her village. Then when Halima had to return him to his mother when he was already five years old, he went astray. (The Major Classes, vol. 1, p. 90).

This is in contrast to another tradition, less common:

(Ibn-Bakkar) His father Abd-Allah died in Medina during his stay at the maternal uncles of Mohammed when he was the age of two months. While his mother died when the Prophet was the age of four years. (Ibn-Kathir, The Beginning and the End).

This means that Halima could not return the child to his mother because this five-year-had died a year before!

The lies are clear.

The Shiites also tell a strange story, worthy of laughter. The newborn "Messenger of Allah" was nursed from the breast of his uncle. That's right.

(Imam Abu-Abd-Allah) When he was born, the Prophet remained for days without milk, his uncle, Abu-Talib, approached him to his breasts, Allah made it gush of milk that the Prophet Popped for a few days, until the arrival of Halima, Abu-TALIB gave him to her. (Al-Kafi of KELLINI, vol. 1, p. 448).

Who gave it to Muhammad HALIMA (or Um-Ayman as other traditions say)? His supposed mother or his alleged uncle Abu-TALIB?

Forget the nonsense.

Here we have questions without answers.


Why he was not breastfed by the alleged mother?

Why his alleged mother gave him to Halima or to Um-Ayman, instead of holding it at home?


Someone has put forward a possible answer. AMNA, who gave birth to a son, Muhammad, four years after the death of his alleged father, Abd-Allah, would not keep the child with her because he represented an obstacle for her.

Hindrance, why?

One wonders, perhaps was she a prostitute, as it is assumed by an unknown number of pregnancies?

But is it true?

The Prophet said: I was born from a Nikah, not from Sifah.

To understand that being said, we refer to Islamic traditions.

(Aisha, the child bride of the Prophet) In the pre-Islamic era, the union between a man and a woman took place in one of four modes:

1- A combination like that of Islam. A suitor asks a man's daughter, paying a dowry, and then takes her as a bride.

2- Union of spraying sperm from others. The husband would order his wife to go to some person to be “impregnated” from him. Then her husband would not touch her until resulted pregnant by the person in question. The sterile husband did that for the desire to have children.

3- Union of a Group. Ten people at most practiced coitus with a woman, if a pregnancy occurred, the woman buckled the baby to who she preferred among them. (This type is Sifah);

4- Union with prostitutes. The woman does not reject anyone, then if she becomes pregnant and gives birth, the community would give the baby to anyone to take him as their son. (Bukhari, marriage - Sunan Abu-Dawoud).


From what kind of union Muhammad was born?

Because of the death of the alleged father four years earlier, Muhammad could not be born from the first type. For the same reason the II type is not applicable. If Mohammed said he was not born of Sifah, we exclude the type III. Nothing remains but the type IV, union with prostitutes.

Was there another possibility?


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