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Zamzam, Facts and Leis


Zamzam, Facts and Leis 


The Well of Zamzam, or just Zamzam, is located, 20 m (66 ft) east of the Ka’ba, the holiest place in Islam. Zamzam water has no colour or smell, it is alkaline to some extent and it has a distinct taste similar to seawater.

According to Islamic belief, it is miraculous water.


(Ibn Abbas) The Prophet said: The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness. (Sahih).

(Ibn Abbas) The “Messenger of Allah” had said: Zamzam water is for whatever one intends to drink for. When one drinks it to be healed, Allah heals him; when one drinks it to be full, Allah makes him full; and when one drinks it to quench his thirst, Allah quenches it. (Ahmad) - (Ibn-Majah).

(Wahb Ibn Munabbah, an ex Jewish Rabbi Muslim) I swear by Allah, Zamzam water is mentioned in the Book of Allah as good water, beverage of righteous, tasty food, and heal of all illnesses. (AZRAQI).

Shame on you former Jewish, there is no mention of Zamzam in the Torah, the Book of God, not even in the Koran, the book of Muhammad’s Allah!


Nobody heard actually about someone healed when drinking water of Zamzam.


We have to prove that water of Zamzam has a bad taste.

(Baladhuri) The prophet preached some of the idolaters. Some of them said to him “We shall not believe in you (O Muhammad), until you cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us (see Sura XVII, v. 90), as the water of Zamzam is very salty. (Genealogies of the Nobles, vol. 1, p. 164).


(WAQIDI) NAFI’E heard Khalid QASRY said addressing the people of Mecca: O people! Who is the greatest? The Caliph or The Messenger? If you do not know, Allah preferred the Caliph, ... He gave Abraham bad salty water (Zamzam), while He gave the Caliph fine sweet water; he meant the well dug by him of which water was transferred to a basin of leather placed to the side of Zamzam to show its quality with respect to Zamzam. (The Beginning and the End) - (Annals of Tabari) - (News Mecca) etc.

(Abu ‘Asim NABIL) Khalid brought water to Mecca. He installed a basin aside of Zamzam well, and he used to say: I brought you sweet water, which is not similar to that of the nest of beetles, meaning Zamzam well.(Biographies of the most noble persons in Islam).

He used to call Zamzam well as the “Nest of Scarabs” (i.e. beetles). (Aghani, vol. 22).


People were bathing in Zamzam well.

(Ibn Abbas) Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet, who was in charge of Zamzam water distribution, was sadly upset because a noble man made a bath in the well. He said: I do not allow it for the bather, for drinking and for ablution it is permitted! (AZRAQI).

(Ibn-UYAYNA) Abbas found a man, who put off his clothes, was taking a bath in Zamzam well, so he prohibited taking bathes in Zamzam to preserve the Grand Mosque from despicable acts, i.e. uncovering intimate parts and so on, as common people usually do when they bathe into Zamzam well, and is likely to avoid contamination of Zamzam of residuals of sexual coitus and other impurities.. (Jurisprudential rulings of Zamzam water).

(A’RAJ) I saw Ibn Abbas hanging his legs down in Zamzam water. (News of the Abbasid State, unknown author, p. 31).


(Ibn ‘Abbas) “I gave the Prophet Zamzam water to drink whilst he was standing,” (reported by al-Bukhari, 3/492)


(Anas) The “Messenger of Allah” went to Zamzam well, took a bucket of water from it, he drank some water, then spat inside the remaining water, then he poured it in Zamzam. (News of the fruity Mecca, the Prophet said to drink).

What a dirt!

(Ibn Abbas) The “Messenger of Allah” asked for some water. Abbas said to his son: Go to your mother, and bring [good] water for the “Messenger of Allah” to drink. The Prophet said: No, give me water from Zamzam well. Abbas said: Oh “Messenger of Allah”, they wash their hands and legs in it. The Prophet insisted, and so he drank water of Zamzam. Then he went to the well, and he said to operators: Work, you are on the good job. Then he said: I would like to put the rope [of water bucket] on my shoulder [to work with you]. (Major Sunan of Bayhaqi).

(Ibn Abbas) The “Messenger of Allah” said: The evident difference between hypocrites and us is that they never feel fed up drinking Zamzam water. (Sunan Ibn Majah).

People despised drinking Zamzam water!


(Abbas) I said to the “Messenger of Allah”: We wish to sweep out Zamzam, as in it there are some of these JINAN, meaning small snakes. So the Prophet ordered that they should be killed. (Sahih Muslim. Book 41, n. 5231).


(Engineer Yahya Koshak) Any [underground] water springing from that place gains mineral elements [of the area], and takes on the characteristics of Zamzam water.


It is known that a sample of Zamzam water was analyzed in London. The results were published in the “Medical Journal”, edition of the 30th of June 1894. The water of Zamzam was found “not suitable for drinking” due to the presence of solid impurities exceeding amount allowed. The report stated that the amount of water of Zamzam well is very little, not enough for all the pilgrims. We are speaking here about a few thousands of Pilgrims at the end of the nineteenth century, not to talk about the millions of people in the twenty-first century.


However, Muslims claim that Zamzam water is a perpetual water stream, which never dries up!

(Ibn 'Abbas) The Prophet said: May Allah bestow his mercy upon Hagar (the mother of Ishmael), had she let go (the water of Zamzam) it would have become a spring [rather than a well] whose water shall never dry. (Ahmad)

Books of Islamic history relate that the water of Zamzam is an everlasting spring that will not expire until the Day of Judgment. They also report that all waters will seep away before Judgment Day except the water of Zamzam. 

(Dahhak) Allah will remove all water before doomsday, and all water trickle away except for Zamzam water!


The second Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab closed the well due to the lack of water, to be saved for the pilgrims.

(Ibn Abu Malika) Ibn-Safwan said: Oar ordered to close the well of Zamzam between the seasons (pilgrimage periods). (FAKIHY, News of Mecca, Islam period).

(Ibn Dinar) A Negro felt down in Zamzam well, and he died, so Ibn Abbas ordered to obstruct its sources, and the well was dried. (Bayhaqi, book of Purity).

Note the word "dried".

Khalid QASRY, the ruler of Iraq for account of Caliph Walid, dispraised Zamzam, calling it “nest of beetles”. He dug some wells outside Mecca, and he induced people to bless water of his wells. (Biography HALABIYA).

(Ibn QASIM) The Caliph Sulaiman wrote to Khalid QASRY ordering him to dig a well of sweet water, to be supplied between Zamzam and Ka’ba, better of the MUCUS of Zamzam. Khalid made the basin which was entitled to him, near the hill THABYR, from witch tubes of lead carried sweet water to the “Sacred” Mosque, sparkling in fountain of marble between Zamzam and Ka’ba. Khalid ordered to put a pulpit in the face of the Ka’ba, from which hen said: Oh people, O give thanks to Allah and to your caliph who allow you drinking sweet san fresh water instead of the bad salty water that nobody drink but obliged, meaning Zamzam. The water was flowing from the fountain inside a channel of lead going out in a place for ablution near the Safa hill, to be discharged after that in a pool in the market place. At the Abbasid Caliphate, this hydraulic system was demolished. (AZRAQI).

(Asma'i) I was informed that Khalid QASRY dispraised Zamzam, saying: It is said that Zamzam never exude or dry, but in name of Allah, it is exuded and dried; now you Caliph created for you a channel to Mecca. (Ibn ASAKER, vol. 16 p: 160) - (many other sources).


(ATA’) An Abyssinian felt in Zamzam well and he died, so Ibn al-Zubayr ordered the well to be exuded. When discharged, it was seen that water is flowing from a hole towards the Black Stone. (Explanation of the Meanings of the Traditions, TAHAWI).

Here, the well was not contaminated according to Muhammad’s traditions!

(Ibn Abbas) The prophet said: Do not consider defiled a dead person, because the Muslim is not defile dead or alive! (Mustadrak).


Another time, what a dirt!

Worse than that, what happened to the Zamzam well during the time of QARAMITES, year 929 C.E.. Toward the end of 317 [January 930 C.E.]

(Ibn KATHIR) The pilgrims in Mecca were taken unaware on the "day of tarwiyya" [the starting day of the Hajj period] by the enemy of Allah Abu TAHIR al-Qarmati and his huge army. They entered armed and on horseback into the Mosque, purring those circumambulating to the sword all pilgrims. They killed altogether about 30,000 people in the “Sacred “ area in Mecca and in the ravines around the city. The people were fleeing, trying to be attached to the draperies of the Ka’ba [seeking security], that was useless.

Abu TAHIR went to the venerated door of the Ka'ba and tore it out while he cried out: It’s me; by Allah it's me. He creates creatures and I exterminate them. Then he shouted at the pilgrims: You Asses! You say that whoever enters here shall be secure (Sura II, v. 97). So where is the security when we have done what we have done?

Then he ordered to bury the dead in the well of Zamzam, and the demolition of the dome of Zamzam (beginning and end).


No need to narrate more.


Rain and floods are the sources of Zamzam water, as written in Islamic history books.

(Mohammed Hamadhani) The water in Zamzam well continued lacking, so in years 223 and 224 of Hegira the well was practically dry. Nine cubits were removed around from its circumference (i.e. to enlarge the diameter of the lower part of the well). Fortunately, Allah sent rains and floods in the year 225 of Hegira, so the well was re-charged. (Geography of YAQUOT).

Zamzam well was dried for two consecutive years. The reason was the lack of rain.

(AZRAQI) Zamzam well is deep sixty cubits from the top to the bottom. Near its bottom there are three openings: one in the direction of the black stone, the second is appointed towards Abu-Qubays mountain, and the last lies towards the Marwa hill. The water in Zamzam well continued lacking, so in years 223 and 224 of Hegira the well was practically dry. Nine cubits were removed around from its circumference (i.e. to enlarge the diameter of the lower part of the well). Fortunately, Allah sent rains and floods in the year 225 of Hegira, so the well was re-charged.

Previously, the well was enlarged 3 times due to scarcity of its water, so that a man from TA’IF called Ibn MUSHIR, who worked inside the well, have said: I prayed in its bottom. Forty cubits of its depths is structured with stone masonry, while the remaining portion, 29 cubits, is merely excavated. (AZRAQI, p. 439).

Zamzam dried more than once, and a man prayed upon its bottom!

(Abu Mohammed al-KHUZA’I) … Mecca suffered heavy Rains in the years 279 and 280 of Hegira, so its valley was inundated with floods. Zamzam water rose up inside the well to a level I've never seen before, nor heard about who stated that he saw it as well. In these two years, it discharged a very sweet water, better than the water that the people of Mecca used to drink, .... (History of Mecca, AZRAQI).

Then, the source of Zamzam well is rainwater.

The people of Mecca did and do not drink the water of Zamzam for its bad taste.


(Engineer Yahya Koshak) ... Any water stems from this place is gaining Zamzam water from the bait and mineral elements that are mixed with water feature.


Zamzam well is located inside the Mosque, at about 20 Meters east of the Ka’ba. Well of Zamzam now is beneath the surface of the ground. 


(Engineer Yahya Koshak) In the year 1980, I was charged by the Saudi Government to supervise the cleansing and sterilization of the well of Zamzam. We installed pumps to discharge all the water out the well, allowing us to inspect, to take accurate measurements and to determine the main sources of water to wells. 

… The well depth is about 30 meters. The upper 13.5 m of the well is excavated in the compressed sediments of alluvium from the valley (Wadi) Ibrahim, which don’t allow water to flow out. Most of the alluvial section is lined with stone masonry except for the uppermost 1m, which has a reinforced concrete collar. Then lies a 0.5 m thick highly permeable weathered rock; this section is lined with stone. The lower section, 17.0 m is in the underlying igneous rock through which the water flows through fractures in the rock, where it gains its high mineral contents. 

... The internal Diameter varies between 1.10 meters and 2.66 meters. (The Book “Zamzam”).


This was after the turbulent events in the Grand Mosque in November 1979. Dead persons were fallen inside the well, while groundwater was accumulated around its bore. The submersible pumps removed the water of the well. The source of the water in the well was seen, and an estimation of well capacity was done stopping pumps for a few minutes,   

It was possible to dry the “holy” Zamzam well with infidels’ pumps!


(Engineer Yahya Koshak) The main source of Zamzam is an opening tending toward the Ka’ba. It is 45 cm long and 30 cm wide and slopes downwards. It supplies the main volume of Zamzam. The second main source is a broad gash measuring 70 cm long and 30 cm wide, that divides into two openings within. It lies in the direction of Mecca heights. There are also secondary sources. These are small outlets between the stones at the junction of the built-and-hewn-parts of the well. There are five openings in the one-meter gap separating the two main sources. Besides, there are 21 inlets distributed from near the first main source that opens in the direction of Abu Qubays mountain, and the Safa / Marwa hills, to the second main source. These inlets are at different levels and they discharge little amounts of water. (Saudi Gazette, Monday, 31 August 2009) 


Engineer / Yahya is a Saudi Islamic Sheikh, who worked for the Saudi Government, therefore it is not neutral reference, so we must review the data he gave.

He asserted that the natural source of water of Zamzam is rain, and historical books of Muslims prove that.

(Eng / Yahya Koshak) ... but when it rains on areas surrounding Mecca, such as TA’IF and other, water shows a great increase in the well of Zamzam. This means that the primary source of the well is rainfalls on the area surrounding Mecca and on the rocky cracks of these mountains. In my book (Zamzam) there is a photographic figure delivered by the satellites, which I attached to analysis showing that all of these rocky cracks are leading water to the well of Zamzam. (Published by Arabic site on Thursday, April 13, 2006 C.E..) 



And expose the lies of Muslims.


Average rainfalls on the TAIF area is 119 mm per year. The region has an area of 170 square kilometres, is the home of about 560 thousand people.

It is worth mentioning, that the engineer / Yahya Koshak stated that the average annual rainfall in the region is between 21 to 83 mm annually. The record is the precipitation of 117 mm of rain was only once.

However, we will use the global figure above, which is 119 mm of rain per year, despite the recognition of the severe overdoing it.

Annual rainfall = 20.23 million cubic meters.

We consider now that one person consumes 300 litres of water per day, which is very low estimate.

So the annual consumption of the area is 53.76 million cubic meters.

This means that the rainwater that feeds the Zamzam is not enough for the consumption for the TA’IF region only, so its needs are satisfied by supplementary supply from seawater desalination plant.

85% of the rainfall in TA’IF is concentrated in month of September, and then it is overflowing to Zamzam in that month only. The water amount stored from this rainwater flow from TA’IF zone is not sufficient for the consumption of more than 3 millions pilgrims at the beginning of the twenty-first century, especially in the dry seasons.

Pilgrimage season in most cases happens within the periods of drought, when rainwater is lacking in Zamzam.


Lying can be shown mathematically in a different way.

(Eng / Yahya Koshak) With a centrifugal pump discharging 11.6 cubic meters per hour, the water level dropped in the well, and remained almost constant at 2.32 meters for 27 minutes. When pumping stopped, the water level recovered to 3.9 m below surface only 11 minutes later. This data shows that the aquifer feeding the well seems to recharge from rock fractures in mountains around Mecca. (The Book of Zamzam, p. 77).


And make a simple calculation.

11.6 cubic meters x 1000 litters / m x 24 hours = less than 0.30 million litres every day.

The nominal capacity of the pump is not important. The Islamic Engineer indicated the pump manufacturer's name, but he did not mention the model so that we can review its performance curves, upon which depends the amount of water actually pumped. We think that this was intentional; otherwise, the author does not deserve the title of engineer.

The amount of water discharged by the well in the Lunar Islamic year  = 354 Day× 0,3 = about 98 million litres every year.

That is not true, because the rain is concentrated only in the month of September, as said before.

The Book of Zamzam did not provide a statement about Zamzam well capacity across the entire year.

The real figure should be no more than on tenth of that amount, at utmost estimation, i.e. about 10 million litres every year.

On the same page of the book, a Consulting Company found that the maximum capacity of the well does not exceed 1.37 litres per second, less than the 0.12 million litres every day.

And the well is not filled or flooding throughout the year if left without suction of its water, because it is just a hole in the ground receiving water from veins of rocks.

However, we assume that the entire amount is stored for usage of pilgrims.

Visitors to Mecca for the Hajj and ‘Umra are about 15 million people a year, all of whom remain at least 5 days in the city, as an average. So the estimation of the actual minimum needs during the pilgrimage season:

15 million visitors x 2 litres per day per person x 5 days = about 150 million litres per year.

We should not forget population of Mecca, who consume water from other sources, but drink from the well of Zamzam to obtain “blessings”.

1.7 million Number of Mecca residents x 0,1 litres per day per person x 300 day = about 51 million litres per year.

The total is about 200 million litres per year.

The difference between 10 and 200 million litres per year is great.

And, of course, rainwater is not enough.

The basic needs for water daily is considering drinking and water consumption for ablutions (with extreme leniency).

Lying is clear.


To confirm our thesis, read this.

The average daily consumption of Zamzam is 100 cubic meters on regular days, which doubles to 200 cubic meters on Fridays, and shoots up to more than 1,000 cubic meters during the Ramadan and Hajj seasons.

The Director of Zamzam water distribution in the Grand Mosque, said that three million cups of Zamzam water are consumed daily at the Grand Mosque during the month of Ramadan.

More than 1,800 cubic meters of water is consumed inside the mosque and 270 cubic meters in the courtyards outside each day in Ramadan,

Water springs forth from beneath the Ka’ba, from the direction of Safa and Marwa. (Saudi Gazette, Monday, 31 August 2009).


Currently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is pumping water to Zamzam well, to convince Muslims that it never dry up. An ex Muslim admitted that he was member of the team who installed the feeding equipment to the well.

The Saudi Kingdom hides the facts to keep the Islamic myth and to maintain revenues Kingdom. Hajj and ‘Umra revenue has reached $ 165 billion on the year 2012 C.E.. It was found that the expenses of each single Muslim pilgrim exceed 10 thousand dollars.

On Friday, September 3rd, 2010, the Saudi King officially inaugurated the project "Zamzam System" in Mecca. The installed capacity of the purification plant is 5 million litres per day. It was said that its main target are to ensure Zamzam water purification according to latest standards, hence to be bottled and distributed automatically. The cost of the project amounted to 700 million Riyals, according to a report o the German news agency.

There is a water storage site, located approximately 6 km south of Mecca, the site contains five ground storage tanks with a total capacity 17400 m3, and 2 upper tanks (on the hill) with a total capacity of 500 m3. The site includes booster pumps, recycling pumps, filters, and units of water sterilization by U.V. rays.

They say, falsely, that the storage site was built to collect water from the well of Zamzam by a main pipeline from well of Zamzam to the reservoir, through the tunnel KADY. Most probably, the well is fed from sea water desalination plant through this pipeline, to be distributed to various locations inside the mosque in the Ka’ba area, provided with 100 water faucet, operating for a some hours a day.

Saudi Arabia does not allow neutral experts to examine the water, or sources of Zamzam water feed.


The project is just an integration of a system of tanks and pipes, only for the purpose of purification.


We mentioned, according to analysis of a sample of Zamzam water, done in London, a report published by the Medical Journal the 30th of June 1894, the water of Zamzam was found unsuitable for drinking due to the presence of solid impurities much more than the permitted amount.


Furthermore, in 1971 a doctor said that Zamzam water is not drinkable, as the site of the well is beneath the Ka’ba, which lies under the sea level, so sewage water infiltrates into the Zamzam well! (The last page of the Sun newspaper Iraq, the number of Thursday, January 24, 2008).

In year 2000, the French Ministry of Health announced that the water of Zamzam, which Muslims pilgrims bring from Mecca, is not drinkable at all.

The year 2005, the Governor of Mecca Region, the Chairman of the Central Hajj Committee prevented the export of Zamzam water to the outside, in general and absolutely. 


In May 2011, a BBC London investigation found that the water from the Zamzam Well contained high levels of nitrate, potentially harmful bacteria, and arsenic at levels three times the legal limit in the UK. Arsenic is a carcinogen, raising concerns that Muslims who regularly consume Zamzam water in large quantities may be exposed to higher risks of cancer. The British Food Standards Agency has in the past issued warnings about water from the Zamzam Well, because of its content of dangerous levels of arsenic.


The Saudi government prohibited the commercial export of Zamzam water from the kingdom. 

The BBC's findings have drawn mixed reactions from the Muslim community. Environmental health Muslim officer, Dr Yunes Ramadan Teinaz told that, "People see this water as a holy water. They find it difficult to accept that it is contaminated, but the authorities in Saudi Arabia or in the U.K. must take action".

Later, the Council of British Hajjis pointed out that the Government of Saudi Arabia does not allow the export of Zamzam water for resale.


All Arab newspapers stated the following.

During the pilgrimage season of the year 2011, the Saudi Authorities imposed strict controls on Saudi Arabian, Arabian and international airlines. Transportation of Zamzam water was banned in absolute terms and in any form.

This was in spite of the Zamzam water facilities inaugurated the year 2010, which was designed to work at maximum operating capacity during the season of pilgrimage, and to run at low rate the rest of the year, to purify the stored water.

The figures Zamzam water facilities are similar to our estimation above, about 53 million litres every lunar year.


The Saudi authorities have stated that a specialized French laboratory tested water from the well. According to reports of these results, the level of arsenic in Zamzam water taken at its source is much lower than the maximum amount permitted by the World Health Organization.

The question is: Who got the samples? And from where?

Nobody can control Zamzam water facilities. 


We have to quote this press article.

(AMAL QABADAYA) ... You may stop to see those pilgrims while consuming as much as they can of the water of Zamzam. On the contrary, other pilgrims who are suffering kidney failure abstain from drinking Zamzam water. Dr. Faisal Shaheen, Director General of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, and Director of the kidney failure section of King Fahd Hospital, said: We recommend patients with kidney failure not to drink “large amounts” of water of Zamzam, which may cause an increase of the formation of gallstones kidney leading to deficiencies in kidney function or recurrent inflammation of the urethra, kidneys and high blood pressure resulting from a narrow kidney artery…. He indicated that the water of Zamzam contain some minerals that help the formation of gallstones kidney which may cause failure of kidney function, and its most important complications, i.e. enlargement of the liver and high enzymes production, and hence exposure to Hepatitis and heart failure and inflammation of the intestinal walls and a tendency to vomiting, indigestion, lack of calcium in the bones. There are also some cases of infections of respiratory system. Dr. Faisal said that gallstones kidney might lead to a coma as a result of the high percentage of urea in the blood.

Dr. Faisal showed that the western region of Saudi Kingdom recorded largest number of patients with kidney failure having ages between 15 years and 75 years. (A report from Jeddah, Middle East newspaper, owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, published on October 19, 2006 Issue 10187, entitled "kidney patients in Saudi Arabia are prohibited from drinking Zamzam water", 3.6 thousand cubic meters consumed daily during ‘Umra).

We enclose a comment on this article.

It is better to prevent kidney patients and others drinking water of Zamzam, because the well is located in a very low area ... This helps to allow the sewage water drained from surrounding area to contaminate Zamzam water, and Allah knows best. (Ali Ahmed, Saudi Arabia, 19/10/2006).


Why all this scramble to drink Zamzam water?

The Prophet has said: The most sublime of all earthly waters is that of Zamzam; therein one finds food for the hungry and medicine for the ill. (Tabarani). 

Mohammed loved this water. Because of his neurological illnesses he did not feel its salinity taste.

The Prophet wrote to Suhayl ibn ‘Amro: If my letter reaches you at night, do not wait until morning, and if it reaches you during the day, do not wait until evening, just immediately send me some Zamzam water.' Then, Suhayl sent him two containers full, and at that time the Prophet was in Medina, before the Conquest of Mecca. (AZRAQI).

(Wael) The Prophet brought a bucket of Zamzam water; he drank, rinsed his mouth, and then discharged water from his mouth inside the well. (Mecca, FAKIHY).

(‘ALY) The “Messenger of Allah” departed (from Muzdalifa) and called for a bucket of Zamzam water. He drank from it, and then he did ablution. (FAKIHY, History of Mecca).

Prophet Muhammad used to carry Zamzam water in pitchers and water skins back to Medina.

(URWA) ‘Aisha reported that she took Zamzam water home with her in bottles, and said: The “Messenger of Allah” took some of it away with him, and he used to pour it on the sick and give it to them to drink. (Tirmidhi).


Zamzam water is a Friend of the Muslim.

(Ibn 'Abbas) The Prophet said: One difference between the hypocrites and us (Muslims) is that they could not drink much from Zamzam. (Ibn Majah).

A Muslim loves Zamzam and drinks it abundantly until he is full, whereas a hypocrite could not.


Here is an anecdote about the well of Zamzam.

Imam Ibn JAWZI narrated an event that occurred during the pilgrimage period in his life time. While pilgrims were circumambulating the Ka'ba and drinking water from the well of Zamzam, a Bedouin came and lifted all his clothes, then he urinated inside the well, while people were seeing this act. Then the other pilgrims started beating him until he was almost to die. The Bedouin was saved by the Guards of the Ka’ba, and they brought him to the Governor of Mecca, who said to him: Allah dams you, why did you do this? The Bedouin said: To be famous, the people will know me, they will say “This is the person who urinated inside Zamzam well”!



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