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Sura 106 of Koran, True Interpretation


(Sura CVI, Quraysh) “For the ILAF of the Quraysh. Their ILAF in winter and summer TRIP. And let them worship the Lord of this House, who hath provided them with food against hunger, and secured them against KHAWF.”. 

N.B. For "this House" the Koran means the Ka'ba of Mecca. 


We note the following

The verse no. 1 is an incomplete phrase. The no. 2 is an incomprehensible, “their” referred to the People of Mecca; so the word “their” should be written in singular form. The word “TRIP” should be in a dualism according to Arabic language rules. Is these grammatical errors indicate that Allah of Muslims is ignorant?


We read from muslim’s interpretations.

Arabic language scholars asked: Why is this starting word “FOR”.

No convincing answer was adduced.


(Mujahid) ILAF means not shove them winter and summer trip.

(Ibn Abbas) ILAF is the Grace.

(Ibn Abbas) ILAF means forbade them for the trip.


"Winter and summer TRIP".

(Ibn Zaid / Kalbi) They had two trips: a trip to Yemen in the winter, and in summer trip to Syria.

(Ibn Abbas) Winter trip to Mecca, while summer trip to TA’IF.


"secured them against KHAWF".

(Mujahid) ... against every enemy of their Sanctury.

(Ibn Zaid) Arabs assaulted each other, and rapped each other, so they were secured in the sanctuary.

(Dahhaak) KAWF is leprosy.

(Ibn Abbas) KAWF is leprosy.

It is clear lack of knowledge of the meaning of the word KAWF, surely it was not Arabic word originally.


The correct interpretation.

The oldest manuscripts Koran were written with Syriac letters, hence, it needs to be re-read the text.

(Gabriel Sawma) "For Elaf" is from the Syriac (Li Alav), which means “let them know” .. .. ”Their ILAF” in arabic ”Ilafhm”, which is driven from Aramaic “ALF” meaning cattle,“TRIP” in arabic is “RiHLat” from the Aramaic root “RHL”, meaning ewe, i.e. female goats .. The Koran, in fact, ordered the people of Mecca to worship the Lord of the Ka’ba as He provided them with cattle and sheep in summer and winter. (The Qur'an: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated, and Misread. The Aramaic Language of The Qur'an).


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